The success from

+1000 Onecuts sold in
the 3 first weeks.

World Patented Tool - Cut Crown Molding without Losing your Mind.

Onecut is a world patented tool for cutting corners and angles with the precision of a surgeon. Concave or convex angles, crown molds or rip cuts – get the perfect cut the first time, every time.

Onecut 2025 Edition

$69  $49

Measure once. Cut once.

Introducing a new world patented tool for simplifying angular cuts.  Developed, designed and produced in Sweden.

If you’ve ever attempted crown molding or had to cut frames for your home, you know how tedious the process is to get the angle right. Say farewell to that process – Onecut has arrived.

Onecut gets you the perfect cut the first time and every time thereafter, with the precision and consistency of factory machine but for the price of a screwdriver set. Never worry about ugly gaps in crown molding joints again.

Designed and made in Sweden, this revolutionary patented tool gives you full control and exact results when measuring degrees of angles and corners, whatever that angle may be. Onecut gets it done.


Designed for ease of use

No need for lengthy manuals or trial and error. Understand the tool the minute you hold it in your hands.

World patented tool

CN106457598 A
US20160349033 A1

Developed for DIY

No need to call the carpenter anymore – Anyone with a saw can now get the precision of a professional with a Onecut.

Made to last

Made from durable ABS plastic that will withstand rough handling, or even being run over by your car. Trust us, we tried.

The Success from Kickstarter

828 backers pledged SEK 306,695 ($34,819) to help bring this project to life.

We say humbly that we have invented a tool that is better than anything else available. 

More than 800 people agreed – and made the Onecut possible by raising 140% of our initial funding goal on Kickstarter. 

To this day, we’ve taken more than a thousand orders for this internationally patented tool. Don’t miss the opportunity to get one!

Reduce time working, add value to your home.


Crown moldings are one of the architectural features that can really add value to a home. They add a visual presence that can make a home feel more upscale.

Done well, a home looks well-crafted and solid. It brings a sophistication to any part of the house and nothing dresses up a room or cabinet like the presence of crown molding.

Mind the gap, but let the Onecut take care of it.


Installing crown molding has until now been a task that strikes fear in the heart of every amateur carpenter—and even some professionals.

Cutting compound angles and keeping track of inside and outside corners, all those splices and the molding’s various orientations has been such a nightmare.

With the Onecut, those nightmares are none of yours.

Cut like a professional carpenter in less time than calling one.

Both amateurs and professionals who are looking for a seamless way to take on crown molding installations will enjoy the Onecut.

It makes no difference whether it’s an outer angle or an inner angle you have to measure. Keep your Onecut up against the saw after measuring, and get that precise cut down to the last millimeter.

It will save you time and money through less scrap and guesswork. No calculations, no complicated settings, no more trial and error and no more ugly gaps in crown molding joints. One cut is all it takes.

A lightweight tool with exceptional build quality. ABS plastic for the win!

What others think of the Onecut:

The time saving is the biggest advantage of Onecut. It could replace the machinist square and be carried in your dungarees instead!
Rickard Eriksson

CEO, Vittjärvshus

Onecut 2025 Edition

$69 $49

Useful things to know:

  • Weight: 200 g
  • Dimensions: 23 x 5 x 3 cm
  • Ships from: Sweden
  • Moneyback Guarantee+
  • Ships in the next 2 business days

Mind the gap. Make the cut. At every angle.

Onecut is the world’s first truly universal stand-alone tool that provides you with the miter angle for cutting crown molding. It’s patented, saves you time and cuts costs.

Measure the angle and apply to your cutting device, without adjustment or time-consuming measurements and calculations. Get an exact angle for your cut, no matter what angle you need to cut.

Once you try it – you can’t be without it!

Onecut WL Progress AB

Gnejsstigen 75

977 53 Luleå, Sweden

Patent #


CN106457598 A

US20160349033 A1
